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How Many Women Struggle With Drinking?

How Many Women Struggle With Drinking?

Alcohol is a legal drug that unfortunately many people misuse. Many women struggle with drinking problems, from drinking too much in a short amount of time to abusing and developing a dependency on alcohol. In this article, we’ll explore how many women struggle with drinking.

Worthy Wellness is a top-rated women’s San Diego drug rehab committed to helping women receive the tailored mental health and addiction care they need to effectively recover. Gone are the days of suffering in silence with your addiction. We offer a wide range of addiction treatment services to ensure you receive the unique care to best support your recovery needs. Ready to start your recovery journey? Contact us today!

Alcohol Misuse Among Women Is On the Rise

Interested in learning more about how many women struggle with drinking? 

Millions of people abuse alcohol each year, and unfortunately, alcohol misuse among women is on the rise. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, nearly 29 million people in the U.S. struggled with an alcohol use disorder in 2023. And, women made up 12 million. In other words, around 8% of women in the U.S. struggle with alcohol use disorder This staggering statistic showcases just how prevalent alcohol addiction and misuse is, especially in the United States.

While historically men have been known to consume more alcohol, women are increasingly abusing alcohol, with many women turning to alcohol and binge drinking. More and more people are turning to alcohol to cope with painful feelings of sadness or stress, which can lead to an unhealthy cycle of turning to alcohol to numb negative feelings and emotions. 

4 Health Risks Linked to Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol misuse can harm your overall health. Not only can alcohol abuse lead to dependency and addiction, but alcoholism can also potentially lead to serious health consequences and even death. Below are several risks associated with alcohol abuse. 

Alcohol-Related Hospitalizations, or Death

First, as mentioned above, alcohol abuse can increase your risk of alcohol-related hospitalizations and even death. Many women who struggle with a drinking problem binge drink, which can lead to potentially life-threatening consequences. This is because consuming excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time can significantly harm your physical health. 

Alcohol Addiction

Next, another consequence of alcohol abuse is developing an alcohol addiction. This is when your body becomes dependent on consuming alcohol, to the point where you experience withdrawal symptoms if you do not consume alcohol on a regular basis. Inevitably, an alcohol addiction doesn’t just hurt your physical and mental health, but it can also hurt your relationships.

Liver Damage

Liver damage is another potential risk of abusing alcohol. Your liver’s role is to help metabolize alcohol; however, when you consume too much alcohol, your liver is unable to effectively metabolize the excess alcohol you consume, which can lead to liver damage. 

Effects on the Brain 

Chronic alcohol abuse can also lead to brain damage. When you consume alcohol, it can impact and impair your brain’s normal function, from memory to concentration, and more. Constantly consuming excess amounts of alcohol over time can impair key cognitive functions like coordination and memory. 

Ultimately, millions of men and women struggle with alcohol use disorder each year. Alcohol abuse can lead to long-term physical and mental health consequences. From developing an alcohol addiction to damaging your brain and liver, if you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, it’s critical you seek professional help so you can lead a healthier, happier life. 

Help Is Available 

Although drinking alcohol does not mean you’ll struggle with a drinking problem, unfortunately, many women struggle with drinking– and this number is rising. From binge drinking and developing a dependence on alcohol to suffering from consequences as a result of your drinking problem, alcoholism can significantly hurt your well-being. At Worthy Wellness, we are committed to helping you safely and effectively break free from addiction. We offer a comprehensive range of addiction and mental health care so you can receive the unique care you need to break free from addiction once and for all. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your road to recovery.

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